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Portable Vibration Analysers 

Vibration Meters with Data Logging & FFT Analysis

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Model 107VF

                                                               107VF waveform cmp      107VF fft cmp      107VF 5       

                                                                                        107VF tacho cmp      107 VF 1

Measurement functions

  • Model 107VF : Vibration mode – analyser measures overall vibration in acceleration, velocity and displacement with FFT spectrum. Route or off-route measurements can be captured.
  • Model 107VF-T : Tachometer –  analyser measures overall vibration in acceleration, velocity and displacement with FFT spectrum and non-contact speed measurement, in RPM or Hz. Route or off-route measurements can be captured.
  • Model 107VF-T2 : IR thermometer – analyser measures overall vibration in acceleration, velocity and displacement with FFT spectrum, non-contact speed measurement, in RPM or Hz and non-contact temperature measurement. Route or off-route measurements can be captured.
  • Model 107VF-B Balancing – analyser measures overall vibration in acceleration, velocity and displacement with FFT spectrum, non-contact speed measurement, in RPM or Hz and single plane balancing

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