impact instruments 25


 + 27 (0) 11 704 7001 / 5 / 8

Pipe and Cable Locators 

Trace Underground "Live" and "Dead" Cables and Metal and Non-Metal Pipes 


 Energised / "Live" Cable Locators

Success CBI-436N

cbi 436n 1 2020



  • Detection of energized cables underground up to 6m deep 
  • Indirect measurement of the depth                                                                       

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Success CBI-309N 

CBI 309 N New 









  • Easiest to use out of our range of live cable locators
  • Detection of energized cables underground up to 10m deep 
  • Display of cable depth
  • Display of current signal in the cable                                                                                                                     

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Success CBI-309GGPS symbol with GPS  

 CBI 309 G 2020









  • Detection of energized cables underground up to 10m deep
  • Display of cable depth
  • Display of current signal in the cable
  • Free GIS Mapping Software for downloading and saving of plotted points, with GPS co-ordinates
  • Has built in firmware for use with a Sonde on the front of a drain rod in non-metal pipes, for pipe location and depth

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Energised / "Live" and De-Energised / "Dead" Cable and Metal Pipe Locators 

Success AG-309.15N

AG 309.15N 2020 



  • Detection of energised and de-energised cables, including armoured fiber optic cables and any metal pipelines underground up to 10m deep (access to dead cables and metal pipes for induction of signal is necessary)
  • Display of cable or pipe depth
  • Display of current signal in the cable
  • 3km metal pipe tracing range from transmitter placement


  • 20W Transmitter

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Success AG-309.15G GPS symbol with GPS 










  • Detection of energised and non-energised cables, including armoured fiber optic cables and any metal pipelines underground up to 10m deep (access to "dead" cables and metal pipes for induction of signal is necessary)Display of cable or pipe depth
  • Display of current signal in the cable
  • 3km metal pipe tracing range from transmitter placement
  • Free GIS Mapping Software for downloading and saving of plotted points, with GPS co-ordinates
  • Has built in firmware for use with a Sonde on the front of a drain rod in non-metal pipes, for pipe location and depth


  • 20W Transmitter

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Success AG-317N










  • Detection of energised and non-energised cables, including armoured fiber optic cables and any metal pipelines underground up to 10m deep (access to "dead" cables and metal pipes for induction of signal is necessary)
  • Display of cable or pipe depth
  • Display of current signal in the cable
  • 5km metal pipe tracing range from transmitter placement


  • 60W Transmitter

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Success AG-317G GPS symbol with GPS 










  • Detection of energised and non-energised cables, including armoured fiber optic cables and any metal pipelines underground up to 10m deep (access to "dead" cables and metal pipes for induction of signal is necessary)
  • Display of cable depth
  • Display of current signal in the cable
  • 5km metal pipe tracing range from transmitter placement
  • Free GIS Mapping Software for downloading and saving of plotted points, with GPS co-ordinates
  • Has built in firmware for use with a Sonde on the front of a drain rod in non-metal pipes, for pipe location and depth


  • 60W Transmitter 

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 Energised / "Live" and De-Energised / "Dead" Cable and All Pipe Locators

Success AG-319N

AG 319 N 2024   AG120   UM112                                                                     



Detection of energised and non-energised cables, including armoured fiber optic cables and any metal pipelines underground up to 10m deep (access to dead cables and metal pipes for induction of signal is necessary)

  • Location of plastic pipes with UM112 accessory (Optional extra)
  • Display of cable or pipe depth
  • Display of current signal in the cable
  • 10km metal pipe tracing range from transmitter placement


  • 120W Transmitter

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Success AG-319GGPS symbol with GPS

AG 319 N 2024   AG120   UM112                                                                                                                                                 



  • Detection of energised and non-energised cables, including armoured fiber optic cables and any metal pipelines underground up to 10m deep (access to dead cables and metal pipes for induction of signal is necessary)
  • Location of plastic pipes with UM112 accessory (Optional extra)
  • Display of cable depth
  • Display of current signal in the cable 10km metal pipe tracing range from transmitter placement
  • Free GIS Mapping Software for downloading and saving of plotted points, with GPS co-ordinates
  • Has built in firmware for use with a Sonde on the front of a drain rod in non-metal pipes, for pipe location and depth


  • 120W Transmitter

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 Energised / "Live" and De-Energised / "Dead" Cable and All Pipe Locator with Water Leak Function 

Success TPT522N

tpt 522n 1 2020










Combining three kits offers :

  • Water leak detector with acoustic sensor - locates water leaks greater than 2 bar, up to 3m deep, underground or in walls.
  • Cable and pipe locator with acoustic sensor.
  • Cable and pipe locator with electromagnetic sensor - detect energised cables up to 6m deep and up to 5km away.
  • Tracing of plastic pipes up to 150m away from the acoustic impact device.
  • Indirect depth measurement.

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